Klaus Hauptmann
Ihatalo Navy Ihatalo Cartel Navy
Posted - 2009.08.26 10:20:00 -
I love laughing at people and openly insulting them when they get owned by their own epic fail.
For example, I was in Geminate last week in a ratting drake (no point just tank) when a sabre jumped me at a belt. It wasnt the fact that he had no chanc at all in taking me down, it was that in dropping the bubble on me to prevent my warp away, he also prevents his own. Pop goes sabre, and for added lols, his warp buble has also trapped his pod for me.
Deservedly so, I ridiculed him when his sabre went boom, and then convoed him after podding his ass, thanking him for his assistance in the pod kill. http://www.ihana.eve-kill.net/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=3594215
So, with that in mind, I felt it only right to talk about my own epic fail which happened just moments ago...
I'm one of thousands of eve players who plays multiple accounts at once. Today, I was Klaus on one screen, and my other pvp nublett on the other. While Klaus was safely sat outside station in a 0.5 system, I was generously explaining to a belt ratter why he should emo-rage delete his character after getting killed by high sec rats due to flying himself into a cluster of roids and getting stuck.
It was made all the more funny from my point of view because he was stuck for a good 3-4 mins while they slowly killed him - throughout which time I kept the hapless ratter company with my suggestions and observations.
Meanwhile Klaus was drunk at his control panel and hit autopilot, heading towards Jita. Once I had finished ridiculing the happless ratter, I switch to Klaus only to discover my latest pewpew toy is being brutally ****d 15km from the gate in New Caldari. http://www.ihana.eve-kill.net/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=4074769
Faction fit worth about 2b or so pop. Woot, almost as epic a fail as the loss of an almost identical setup I self destructed a day ago - having to forgot to switch the self destruct off.
But wait, I own myself further. Seeing that a few mods survived I scramble to the nearest station, grab a caracal and head to pick it up, hoping some passing noob hasnt just creamed their pants and found the wreck.
Sweet! got it all, happy as larry warp to dock at the station to drop it off and come out of warp 1,300m off the station, which also happens to be outside the docking ring.
The Karma (Caldari) Police drones swarm my unfit caracal and gleefully pop me along with the two mods I was intent on salvaging....http://www.ihana.eve-kill.net/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=4074770
So, sat there in my pod absorbing the self ownage a familiar name comes on the overview. 'hmmm, I know you.' I thought... Yep, to round off a super day of self ownage, that ratter I had been griefing just moment earlier on my other pvper must have had his clone in that system, and at of course that station and helps himself to the remainder of my loot.